Toms Gone To Hilo – Terry

Interesting Facts about the Toms Gone To Hilo – Terry

The “Thoms Gone To Hilo” was a halyard shanty. This version comes from “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – by Richard Runciman Terry. Terry chose the version sung to him by Mr. George Vickers, who gives us verses about “The Victory” and “Trafalgar”, due to Terry never heard them sung by any other seaman.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry.
The lyrics: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry.
Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 261).

The Record of the Toms Gone To Hilo – Terry

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Toms Gone To Hilo (Terry) - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Toms Gone To Hilo – Terry - music notation

The full lyrics

Toms Gone To Hilo

Tommy’s gone, and I’ll go too,
– Away down Hilo.
Oh, Tommy’s gone, and I’ll go too,
– Tom’s gone to Hilo

* 2 *

Tommy’s gone to Liverpool,
Oh, Tommy’s gone to Liverpool,

* 3 *

Tommy’s gone to Mobile Bay,
Oh, Tommy’s gone to Mobile Bay,

* 4 *

Tom’s gone, what shall I do?
Oh, Tom’s gone, what shall I do?

* 5 *

Tommy fought at Trafalgar.
Oh, Tommy fought at Trafalgar.

* 6 *

The old Victory led the way.
The brave old Victory led the way.

* 7 *

Tommy’s gone for evermore.
Oh, Tommy’s gone for evermore.

Related to this sea shanty

Tommys Gone To Hilo – Harlow

Reuben Ranzo – Sternvall version

Reuben Ranzo – Patterson version

Blow The Man Down – Terry Version

Interesting Facts about the Blow The Man Down – Terry Version

Here is one of the most favorite shanties is the tops’l halyard shanty “Blow The Man Down – Terry”.
This version has been collected by Richard Runciman Terry in his “The Shanty Book Part I” (1921), here is what the description of this shanty says:
“This is the shanty which is perhaps the best known among landsmen. “Winchester Street” is in South Shields, and in the old days was the aristocratic quarter were only persons of high distinction –such as shipowners, and “South-spainer” skippers–lived…”
I would also like to thank Artur Pietrzykowski for the wonderful illustration that you can find at the beginning of the record.

The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry.

The lyrics:  “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry.

Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 212).

The Record of the Blow The Man Down – Terry Version

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Blow The Man Down (Terry Version) - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Blow The Man Down - Terry Version - musical notation

The full lyrics

Blow The Man Down (Terry Version)

Oh blow the man down, bullies, blow the man down.
– To me WAY-ay, BLOW the man down!
Oh blow the man down, bullies, blow him a-way.
– Oh GIMME some time to BLOW the man down.

* 2 *

We went over the Bar on the thirteenth of may.
The Galoper jumped, and the gale came away.

* 3 *

Oh the rags they was gone, and the chains they was jammed,
And the skipper sez he, “Let the weather be hanged”.

* 4 *

As I was a-walking down Winchester Street,
A saucy young damsel I happened to meet.

* 5 *

I sez to her, “Polly, and how d’you do?”
Sez she, “None the better for seein’ of you”.

* 6 *

Oh, it’s sailors is tinkers, and tailors is men.
And we’re all of us coming to see you again.

* 7 *

So we’ll blow the man up, and we’ll blow the man down.
And we’ll blow him away into Liverpool Town.

Related to this sea shanty

Blow The Man Down (V – Doerflinger)

Yankee John Stormalong

A Long Time Ago (B)

Bound for the Rio Grande (R. R. Terry’s Version)

Interesting Facts about Bound for the Rio Grande (R. R. Terry’s Version)

This version of Bound for the Rio Grande is Richard Runciman Terry’s version from “The Shanty Book Part I” (1921). “Rio Grande” was always sung at the anchor capstan or windlass, and was an outward-bound song. In “Shanties from the Seven Seas”, Stan Hugill Mentioned only this version.

The song will be reconstructed by myself as the capstan shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry (1st ed p 4, 5).

The lyrics: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry (1st ed p 4, 5).

Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 93).

The Record of the Bound for the Rio Grande (R. R. Terry’s Version)

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Bound for the Rio Grande (R. R. Terry's Version) - Capstan Shanty

The musical notation

The full lyrics

Bound for the Rio Grande (R. R. Terry’s Version)

I,ll sing you a song of the fish of the sea.
– Oh Rio
I,ll sing you a song of the fish of the sea
– And we’re bound; for the Rio Grande,

– Then away, love away!
– Way down Rio!
– So fare-ye-well, my pretty young gel,
– For we’re bound
; for the Rio Grande.

* 2 *

Sing goodbye to sally, and goodbye to Sue.
And you who are listerning, goodbye to you.

* 3 *

Our ship went sailing out over the Bar
And we pointed her nose for the southeren Star.

* 4 *

Farewell and adieu to you laidies of Spain
And were all of us comming to see you again.

* 5 *

I said farewell to Kitty my dear,
And she waved her white hand as we passed the South Pier.

* 6 *

The oak and the ash, and the bonny birk tree
They’re all growing green in the North Countrie.

Related to this shanty

Rio. Grande (A)

A Long Time Ago (C)


Santy Anna (Terry’s Version)

Interesting Facts about Santy Anna (Terry’s Version)

Richard Runciman Terry described In his “The Shanty Book Part I”, mentioned by Stan Hugill, that Santy Anna (Terry’s Version) he gives is “windlass and capstan.” shanty. Here full version is taken from Terry’s book.

The song will be reconstructed by myself as the capstan shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry (1st ed p 18, 19).

The lyrics: “The Shanty Book part I” (1921) – Richard Runciman Terry (1st ed p 18, 19).

Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 85).

The Record of the Santy Anna (Terry’s Version)

This reconstruction will be singing as a capstan shanty(faster / first phase of capstan rotation, before the chain, was still vertical below the ship).

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Santy Anna (R. R. Terry's Version) - Capstan Shanty

The musical notation

santy-anna-r-r-terrys-version music notation

The full lyrics

Santy Anna (R. R. Terry’s Version)

Oh Santy Anna won the day.
– Way-Ah, me Santy Anna.
Oh Santy Anna won the day.
– All on the plains of Mexico.

* 2 *

He beat the Prooshans fairly,
And whacked the British nerly.

* 3 *

He was a rority gineral;
A rorty snorty gineral.

* 4 *

They took him out and shot him.
Oh when shall we forget him.

* 5 *

Oh Santy Anna won the day.
Oh Gin’ral Taylor run away.

Related to this sea shanty

A Long Time Ago (C)


Et Nous Irons a Valparaiso