Interesting Facts about the Well Ranzo Way
“Well Ranzo Way” is another shanty that mentions legendary sailor hero Ranzo. This shanty was also known as “The Wild Goose Shanty”, “Sing Hilo” or ” Huckleberry Hunting”. It was a kinda universal shanty, so it was sung at windlass or capstan, but Doerflinger it gives as a Halyards and pumps. Stan Hugill doesn’t state what his version is. I will reconstruct this song as a pump shanty.
The source of this sea shanty
The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 249, 250).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 249, 250).
The Record of the Well Ranzo Way
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation

The full lyrics
Well Ranzo Way
Ooh, I’m shantyman of the warkin!. party,
– Timme WAY, timme hay, timme HEE, ho, hay!
So sing lads, pull lads so strong an .. hearty,
– An’ SING, Hilo me RANZO way!
* 2 *
I’m shantyman of the Wild Goose nation,
Got maid that I left on the big plantation,
* 3 *
Oh, the sassiest gal o’ that Wild Goose nation,
Is her that I left on the big plantation.
* 4 *
Oh, the boys an’ the gals went a chuckleberry huntin’,
The gals began to cry an’ the boys the dowsed their buntin’
* 5 *
Then a little gal ran off an’ a little boy ran arter,
The little gal fell down an’ he saw her little garter.
* 6 *
Said he, ‘I’ll be yer beau, if ye’ll have me for yer feller,’
But the little gal said, ‘No, ‘cos me sweetheart’s Jackie Miller.’
* 7 *
But he took her on his knee, an’ he kissed her right an’ proper,
She kissed him back agen, an’ he didn’t try to sto-o-p’ er.
* 8 *
An’ then he put his arm all around her tight an’ waspy waist,
Sez she, ‘Young man, you’re shown’ much too great a haste!’