Glyn Davies – Cerddi Huw Puw (1922)
Glyn Davies – Cerddi Huw Puw (1922), is one of the books known by myself when I could see the shanties and sea songs in the Welsh language. The Welsh language (really unique), is used in one of the countries of the land of the United Kingdom. It has a very different accent and vocabulary than the English language.
The book is an experiment for an author’s children. Experiment to increase the popularity of the Welsh language by singing in Welsh schools. Speaking of the authenticity of the songs you can find in the collection, the tunes have been taken at random: Old Welsh and Old English melodies. Also, shanties and sea songs were picked up on Welsh ships. Some thirty years before the book was printed (around 1890). Some of the tunes were made up by an author, some just for an author’s amusement. Overall the book is very unique. I didn’t see any references to other collectors’ books to this one, which can be good or bad.
Do you want to be more involved?
You can find excellent records of sea shanties here. If you want to discuss this book or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or below post in the comment section.
Related to the Cerddi Huw Puw
Joanna Colcord – Songs Of American Sailormen (1938)
R. W. Saar & Gilbert Forsyth – Twelve Sailors Songs or Chanteys v1 (1927)
R. W. Saar & Gilbert Forsyth – Twelve Sailors Songs or Chanteys v2 (1927)