Interesting Facts about the As-Tu-Connu Le Per’ Lanc’lot
A French shanty As-Tu-Connu Le Per’ Lanc’lot, Stan Hugill learned from Jean Loro a fine French “matelot” who had sailed in many of the “Borde” Vessels. Mentioned French matelot, Johan Halvorsen sang this shanty at halyards. Stan Hugill added to his version several verses from Captain A. Hayet’s version (Chansons de Board; 1927). Fortunately, I found the book by A. Hayet mentioned by Stan Hugill, so I can inform you, that, verses: 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 come from “Chansons de Board”. What is really interesting to many people is why in French shanties (taking into account French cultural independence ), the English refrain was sung.
This was because, during the American War of Independence (1775), many of New England’s whale ports were blocked by English ships. As a result, many New Bedford whaling families have asked to be moved to Milford Haven and Dunkirk, where they have formed the nucleus of the whaling industry of England and France. This was the reason why many French shanties, especially those sung on whalers, have English choruses.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.
The source of this sea shanty
The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 127, 128).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 127, 128).
The Record of the As-Tu-Connu Le Per’ Lanc’lot
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation

The full lyrics
As-Tu-Connu Le Per’ Lanc’lot
As tu conu le Pere Lancelot?
– GoodBYE, fa-re-well! goodBYE, fa-re-well!
Qui fail la peche aux cachalots,
– HourRA! oh, MexiCO-o-o-o!
* 2 *
Il a trois filles qui font la peau,
Il a trois filles qui font la peau,
* 3 *
L’une a Lorient, l’autre a Bordeaux,
La troisieme est a Colombo,
* 4 *
Il donne la goutte a ses mat’lots,
A coups de barre et de guindeau.
* 5 *
Il mange la viande, nous laiss’ les os,
Il boit du vin et toi de l’eau.
* 6 *
A la manoeuvre le bosco
Te dresse a coups de cabillot.
* 7 *
Le lieutnant t’envoie la-haut.
A coups de bottes dans le dos.
* 8 *
Le lieutnant t’envoie la-haut.
A coups de bottes dans le dos.