Interesting Facts about the Toms Gone To Hilo
The “Thoms Gone To Hilo” was a halyard shanty usually sang for raise a topsails yards, and one that was never liked by mats because sung by a good shantyman slowed down the pulls, due to the lethargic nature in which the shanties are sung. Difficult song for shantymen, however very popular with the crowd, especially for heavy yard lifts.
The source of this sea shanty
The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 261).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 261, 262).
The Record of the Toms Gone To Hilo
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation

The full lyrics
Toms Gone To Hilo
Tommy’s gone, what shall I do?
– A-WAY you HELO-o-o!
Ooh! Tommy’s gone an’ I’ll go too,
– TOM’s gone to HI-lo!
* 2 *
Tommy’s gone to Hilo town,
Where all them gals they do come down.
* 3 *
Hilo town is in Peru,
It’s just the place for me an’ you.
* 4 *
Tommy’s gone to Liverpool,
To Liverpool, that packet school.
* 5 *
Yankee shellbacks ye’ll see there,
Wid red-topped boots an’ short cut hair.
* 6 *
He signed for two pound ten a month,
No more than two pound ten a month,
* 7 *
Tommy’s gone to Baltimore,
To dance upon a sandy floor.
* 8 *
Tommy’s gone to Mobile Bay,
A-screwin’ cotton all the day.
* 9 *
Tommy’s gone to fair Quebec,
A-stowin’ timber on the deck.
* 10 *
Tommy’s gone to Cally-o,
He won’t come back from there, I know.
* 11 *
Tommy’s gone to Vallipo,
He’ll dance them Spanish gals, y’know.
* 12 *
Tommy’s gone to ‘Frisco Bay
In a Cape Horner the other day.
* 13 *
Tommy’s gone to Pernambuck,
He’s gone to get a nip an’ tuck.
* 14 *
Tommy’s gone to Montreal,
In a packet ship wid sky’ls tall.
* 15 *
Tommy’s gone to Rye-o Grand,
He’s rollin’ in the yeller sand.
* 16 *
Tommy’s gone to to Singapore,
Oh, Tommy’s gone for evermore.
* 17 *
Oh, haul away, me bully boys.
Oh, haul away, kick up some noise.
* 18 *
Now hoist ‘er up an’ show ‘er clew,
Oh, we’re the bastards to kick ‘er though!
* 19 *
One more pull, lads, then belay,
Ooh! One more pull an’ then belay.