
Interesting Facts about the Boney

“Boney”, is a halyard shanty based fairly accurately on the life and times of Napoleon Bonaparte. Stan Hugill also tells us it was used in others ‘short-haul’ or fore-sheet shanty.
I will reconstruct this song as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 442).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 442, 443).

The Record of the Boney

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Boney - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Boney - music notation

And the full lyrics


Boney wuz a warrior;
– WAY – aye – YAH!
A warrior, a terrior,
– JOHN-ny FranCOIS!

* 2 *

Boney beat the Prussians,
Osstrians and the Rooshians,

* 3 *

Boney went to school inFrance,
He lent to make the Russians dance.

* 4 *

Oh, Boney marched to Moscow,
Across the Alps through ice an’ snow,

* 5 *

Boney wuz a Frenchyman,
But Boney had a turn agen.

* 6 *

So he retreated back agen,
Moscow wuz in ruins then.

* 7 *

Boney went to Elbow,
There he got his overt’row

* 8 *

He beat the Prussians squarely,
He whacked the English nearly.

* 9 *

We licked him in Trafalgar’s Bay,
Carried his main topm’st away.

* 10 *

‘Twas on the Plains of Waterloo,
He met the boy who put him through

* 11 *

Boney marched to Waterloo,
And there he met his overt’row,

* 12 *

He met the duke of Wellington,
That day his downfall had begun.

* 13 *

Boney went a-crusin’,
Aboard the Billy Ruffian.

* 14 *

Boney went to Saint Helen’,
An’ he never came back agen.

* 15 *

They sent him into exile,
He died on Saint Helena’s isle.

* 16 *

Boney broke his heart an’ died,
In Corsica he wisht he styed.

* 17 *

He wuz a rorty general,
A rorty, snorty general.

Related to this sea shanty

Round The Corner Sally (Terry)

Sister Susan

Miss Lucy Loo

Abel Brown The Sailor

Interesting Facts about the Abel Brown The Sailor

“Abel Brown The Sailor” is a halyard shanty used for ‘long drags’ at t’gallant halyards and hand-over-hand hauling. Stan Hugillmarked his version for ‘long drags’. An author of the “Shanties from the Seven Seas” learned this shanty on his first voyage to sea. ‘Abel Brown’ is probably the personification of all sailing ship A.B.’s or Able-Bodies Seamen. This shanty is unique in the way that, was usually sung by two soloists or shantymen in a similar way as “Billy Boy”, one singer for questions and one for the answers.
I will reconstruct this song as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 440).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 440 – 442).

The Record of the Abel Brown The Sailor

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Abel Brown The Sailor - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Abel Brown The Sailor - music notation

And the full lyrics

Abel Brown The Sailor

Oh, where am I goin’ to sleep tonight?
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!
Oh, where am I goin’ to sleep tonight?
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!

* 2 *

You can sleep up on the mat,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!
You can sleep up on the mat,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!

* 3 *

Oh, the mat is rough an’ me skin ain’t tough,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!
Oh, the mat is rough an’ me skin ain’t tough,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!

* 4 *

You can sleep upon the shelf,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!
You can sleep upon the shelf,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!

* 5 *

What ‘ave yer got upon the shelf?
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!
What ‘ave yer got upon the shelf?
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!

* 6 *

I’ve got some rum upon the shelf,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!
I’ve got some rum upon the shelf,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!

* 7 *

Me throat is long an’ me thirst is strong,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!
Me throat is long an’ me thirst is strong,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!

* 8 *

What if you roll from off the shelf?
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!
What if you roll from off the shelf?
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!

* 9 *

I’ll bounce on the floor an’ ask for more,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!
I’ll bounce on the floor an’ ask for more,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!

* 10 *

What if the police should come to the house?
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!
What if the police should come to the house?
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!

* 11 *

I’ll take ’em on in two’s and three’s,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!
I’ll take ’em on in two’s and three’s,
– Sez ABEL Brown the Sailor!

* 12 *

Then I’ll let you stay with me,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!
Then I’ll let you stay with me,
– Cried THE FAIR young maiden!

Related to this sea shanty

Do Let Me Lone Susan

Sing Sally O! (version B)

Round The Corner Sally (Harding)

Dan Dan

Interesting Facts about the Dan Dan

“Dan Dan”, in Hugill’s book, is the first song in the category with men’s names as titles. The song is a bit more than chant, according to Harding, one of the most famous shantymen ever met by Stan, the song was one of the work songs used ashore in the Antilles for hauling wooden shanties from one place to another, also for working cargo. The song was later taken to the sea by colored seamen and heard aboard West Indian square riggers at halyards. The pull was on the shouted “HO!”.
I will reconstruct this song as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 440).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 440).

The Record of the Dan Dan

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Dan Dan - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Dan Dan - music notation

And the full lyrics

Dan Dan

Oh, my name is Dan Dan!
– HO!
Oh, my name is Dan Dan!
– HO!
Somebody drink me run,
– HO!
Somebody wares no clothes,
– HO!
Somebody takes me wife,
– HO!
Oh, my name is Dan Dan!
– HO!
Kuku mafalda,
Oh, my name is Dan Dan!
– HO!

Related to this sea shanty

Round The Corner Sally (Terry)

Sister Susan

Miss Lucy Loo

A Kom Till Mig Pa Lordag Kvall

Interesting Facts about the Sing A Song Blow-Along O!

“A Kom Till Mig Pa Lordag Kvall”, a fantastic Swedish Hauling shanty from “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935) (1st ed p 183, 184). This what Stan Hugill gave to us in his book is one to one copy of the Sternvall’s book. Sternvall gave us a bit of background on this song, he says:
“Old work song, which has been sung in Swedish ports when working with unloading and loading. It is complete in 18 verses. The textual content is identical to the Chinese song about the 18 emotional points mentioned in the introduction.”
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935) (1st ed p 183, 184).
The lyrics: “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935 (1st ed p 183, 184).
Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 427).

The Record of the Sing A Song Blow-Along O!

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

A Kom Till Mig Pa Lordag Kvall - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

A Kom Till Mig Pa Lordag Kvall - music notation

And the full lyrics

A Kom Till Mig Pa Lordag Kvall

A Kom Till Mig På Lördag Kväll,
– Victoria! Victoria! –
så ska du få det du bad mig om!
– Kirre virre vippbom. Hurra så!

* 2 *

Nej, jag törs inte gå till dig,
– Victoria! Victoria! –
for far dins hundar biter mig.
– Kirre virre vippbom. Hurra så!

* 3 *

Den svarta hunden den är döt.
– Victoria! Victoria! –
Den vita ger du en bit bröd.
– Kirre virre vippbom. Hurra så!

* 4 *

Och när du kommer i kammarn in.
– Victoria! Victoria! –
Där står en flaska brännevin
– Kirre virre vippbom. Hurra så!

* 5 *

Da tar du dig en duktig sup.
– Victoria! Victoria! –
så du kan stå bataljen ut.
– Kirre virre vippbom. Hurra så!

Related to this sea shanty

Round The Corner Sally (Terry)

Sister Susan

Miss Lucy Loo

Sing A Song Blow-Along O!

Interesting Facts about the Sing A Song Blow-Along O!

“Sing A Song Blow-Along O!” – used at halyards, sometimes called “Dixie Land”. Stan Hugill took this song from Tobago Smith who declared it was one of the best in his repertoire. Aside from the Hugill, Patterson gives us quite a similar version but unfortunately without the music. The song was probably one of the songs the Hoosiers of Mobile used for heaving the jack-screws when loading the cotton.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 417).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 417).

The Record of the Sing A Song Blow-Along O!

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Sing A Song Blow-Along O! - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Sing A Song Blow-Along O! - music notation

And the full lyrics

Sing A Song Blow-Along O!

‘Way down in Dixie!
‘Way down in Dixie where de cotton grows,
– SING a song, blow along O – o – o!

* 2 *

‘Way down in Dixie!
‘Way down in Dixie, oh, I had gal,
– SING a song, blow …

* 3 *

‘Way down in Dixie!
Her name it was Fore-tops’l Nell,

* 4 *

‘Way down in Dixie!
She was so dark she broke me heart,

* 5 *

She had black eyes an’ a lovely nose,

* 6 *

Oh, around the world I had to sail.

* 7 *

But I’m as tough as a six-inch nail

* 8 *

When I got back, she’d done me down.

* 9 *

She’d ran off wid a circus clown.

* 10 *

If I could cotch that thievin’ tyke.

* 11 *

I’d give him one wid a marline-spike.

* 12 *

But I left her there an’ sailed away.

Related to this sea shanty

Round The Corner Sally (Terry)

Sister Susan

Miss Lucy Loo

Essequibo River

Interesting Facts about the Essequibo River

“Essequibo River” – is a halyard shanty, picked by Stan Hugill from his friend Harding Barbadian. West Indian or Guyana origin, the song is challenging for the shantyman because it is full of yells and hitches. Hugill claims it was the first time in print in his “Shanties from the Seven Seas”. Stan also tells us that this song is the same as many West Indian shanties that were picked from ashore and were used for jobs where pulling was involved.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 416).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 416, 417).

The Record of the Essequibo River

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Essequibo River - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Essequibo River - music notation

And the full lyrics

Essequibo River

Essequibo River is the Queen o’ Rivers all!
– BUDdy tanna na we are SOMEbody O!
Essequibo River is the Queen o’ Rivers all!
– BUDdy tanna na we are SOMEbody O!
Somebody O, Johnny, somebody O!
– BUDdy tanna na we are SOMEbody O!

* 2 *

Essequibo Capen is the King o’ Capens aaall!
– Buddy …
Essequibo Capen is the King o’ Capens aaall!
– Buddy …
Somebody …
– Buddy …

* 3 *

Essequibo Bosun is the King o’ Bosuns aaall!

* 4 *

Essequibo sailors is the Chief o’ Sailors aaall!

* 5 *

Essequibo Sallies is the Queen o’ Saillies aaall!

* 6 *

Essequibo maidens is the Queen o’ Maidens aaall!

Related to this sea shanty

Round The Corner Sally (Terry)

Sister Susan

Miss Lucy Loo


Interesting Facts about the Serafina

“Serafina” the halyard shanty bearing a Spanish lady’s name. Very popular song for raising t’gallant yards in ships on the West Coast of South America Saltpetre Trade. Stan Hugill get this song from an Irish sailor called Jack Connolly. Meny’s verses, according to Stan Hugill, were unprintable, and he claims the song never was in print before.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 397).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 397,398).

The Record of the Serafina

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Serafina - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Serafina - music notation

And the full lyrics


In Callyo there lives a gal whose name is Serafina,
– SE-rafina! SE
She sleeps all day an’ works all night, on the ol’ Cally marina,
– SE-rafina, oh, SE

* 2 *

She’s the Queen, me boys, of all the gals that live in the ol’ Casino,
She used to kiss for monkey nuts but now she works for vino,

* 3 *

At robbin’ silly sailors, boys, no gal was ever keener,
She’ll make ye pay right through the nose, that lovely Serafina.

* 4 *

She’ll guzzle pisco, beer, an’ gin, on rum her mum did wean ‘er.
She smokes just like a chimney stack, or P.S.N.C. steamer.

* 5 *

Serafina’s got no shoes, I’ve bin ashore an’ seen ‘er,
She’s got no time to put ’em on, that hard-worked Serafina.

* 6 *

When I wuz young an’ in me prime, I first met Serafina,
In Callyo we saw the sights an’ then went up to Lima.

* 7 *

But the finest sight I ever saw wuz little Serafina,
But the very next day as we sailed away I wisht I’d never bin there.

* 8 *

For I wuz skint, me clothes wuz gone, an’ so wuz Serafina,
She’d done me brown, she’d sunk me down, that dirty she-hyena!

Related to this sea shanty

Do Let Me Lone Susan

Sing Sally O! (version B)

Round The Corner Sally (Harding)

Miss Lucy Loo

Interesting Facts about the Miss Lucy Loo

“Miss Lucy Loo”, the hauling song usually used for halyards. Stan Hugill picked up this song in Trinidad. Hugill’s informant told him that: “song was used by West Indian seamen both ashore on the wharves and at sea at halyards”. Also worth mentioning is that the phrase “rock ‘n’ roll” in verse seven was a very common cry among shantymen – a shout of encouragement when hauling or heaving.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 397).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 397).

The Record of the Miss Lucy Loo

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Miss Lucy Loo - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Miss Lucy Loo - music notation

And the full lyrics

Miss Lucy Loo

Rock a block, chock a block, roler bowler sailor,
– To me WAY, hay, hay, ho, HU!
Oooh! rock a block, chock a block, roler bowler sailor,
– We’re ROLLin’ down to Trinidad to SEE Miss Lucy Loo!

* 2 *

Bend yer backs, take in the slack, roll me over, Lucy,
Oh, bend yer backs, take in the slack, roll me over, Lucy,

* 3 *

The ship’s all right, the crew is tight, the Ol’ Man’s never sober,
Oh, the ship’s all right, the crew is tight, the Ol’ Man’s never sober,

* 4 *

O sing a song, O blow along, turn the blanket over,
Oh, o sing a song, O blow along, turn the blanket over,

* 5 *

O haul away an’ get yer pay, O Lucy’s on the towline.
Oh, o haul away an’ get yer pay, O Lucy’s on the towline.

* 6 *

Hoist her high, an’ hoist her dry, come rock ‘n’ roll me over.
Oh, hoist her high, an’ hoist her dry, come rock ‘n’ roll me over.

* 7 *

Now stretch her luff, she’s high enough, the end is just in sight, boys.
Oh, now stretch her luff, she’s high enough, the end is just in sight, boys.

Related to this sea shanty

Do Let Me Lone Susan

Sing Sally O! (version B)

Round The Corner Sally (Harding)

Walkalong Miss Susiana Brown

Interesting Facts about the Walkalong Miss Susiana Brown

“Walkalong Miss Susiana Brown” – halyard shanty is a West Indian or Southern States’ work song. According to Joanna Colcord, this song was probably used by the Hoosiers of Mobile to screw the cotton.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 391).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 391,392).

The Record of this shanty

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Walkalong Miss Susiana Brown - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Walkalong Miss Susiana Brown - music notation

And the full lyrics

Walkalong Miss Susiana Brown

My doudou she’s a flash one,
– HAUley high! HAUley low!
My doudou she’s a flash one,
– WALK-along Miss SUsiana Brown!

* 2 *

She loves her rollo sailor,
Oh, she loves her rollo sailor,

* 3 *

He’s gone north in a whaler,
Oh, he’s gone north in a whaler,

* 4 *

My doudou she’s a lady,
Oh, she’s neither dark or shady.

* 5 *

We’ll haul an’ stretch her luff, boys,
The bastard’s gittin’ tough, boys.

* 6 *

I’ll see her boys, tomorrow,
An’ I’ll make the beggar holler.

Related to this sea shanty

As-Tu-Connu Le Per’ Lanc’lot

Stormalong Lads Stormy

De Runer Von Hamborg

Sister Susan

Interesting Facts about the Sister Susan

“Sister Susan” also known as the “Shibone Al”, is used as the hauling shanty. According to Stan Hugill is a typical West Indian or Southern States’ work-song taken to sea and turned into a shanty. The song Stan Hugill learned from shantyman, “Harry Lauder” of St. Lucia, B.W.I.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 391).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed: p 391).

The Record of the Sister Susan

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Sister Susan - Halyard Shanty

The musical notation

Sister Susan - music notation

And the full lyrics

Sister Susan

Sister Susan an’ my gal Sal,
– GWINE ter git a-home by’n’BY!
All a gwine ter live down Shibone Al,
– GWINE ter git a-home by’n’BY!
We’re all gonne live down Shibone Al ley,
– GWINE ter git a-home by’n’BY!

* 2 *

Portugee Joe came down aour Al,
Portugee Joe he got my Sal,
He went an’ ran off with my Sally,

* 3 *

So I thought I’d take a trip to sea,
So I shipped aboard o’ a big Yankee,
I went an’ shipped out of Nantucket.

* 4 *

A whaler’s life is no life for me,
I jumped her an’ I left the sea,
I ran right back to Shinbone Alley.

Related to this sea shanty

As-Tu-Connu Le Per’ Lanc’lot

Stormalong Lads Stormy

De Runer Von Hamborg