Interesting Facts about the Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah!
Here is the Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah! “Gangspill” or capstan shanty is very popular on German crew ships. A couple of words of description from the text: David Straat was well known in Hamburg’s “Sailortown”, where seamen used to congregate at the end of the voyage; The Groote Freiheit is an adjacent street off the Ripabahn.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the halyard shanty.
The source of this sea shanty
The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 138). Stan Hugill took text from “Knurrhahn – Seemannslieder und Shanties” Richard Baltzer; Klaus Prigge; Knurrhahn-Lotsen-Gesangverein (1936).
The lyrics: “Knurrhahn – Seemannslieder und Shanties” Richard Baltzer; Klaus Prigge; Knurrhahn-Lotsen-Gesangverein (1936). After reviewing of text, I found a couple of spelling differences, for reconstruction, I used text from “Knurrahan, Seemanslieder und Shanties Musikverlag”.
The Record of the Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah!
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation
The full lyrics
Hurrrah Hurrrah Hurrrah!
Un wenn wi nu na Hamborg Kamt, Denn went wi, wat wi doht,
denn kopt wi een for fiv Penn an’ne, Eck von’ne David-Straat,
– Hurrrah!Hurrrah, Hurrrah, Hurrrah, Hurrrah!
denn kopt wi een for fiv Pennan’ne, Eck von’ne Davidstraat.
* 2 *
Un ok de luttje Mary, dat is ne fixe Deern,
Kriegst du de mol det Obends fot, denn kannst di nich besweern.
– Hurrrah! Hurrrah, Hurrrah, Hurrrah, -Hurrrah!
denn kopt wi een for fiv Penn An’ne, Eck von’ne David Straat.
* 3 *
Un ok de dicke Anna, dat is ne feine Popp,
Kummt Janmaat von lang’ Reis’ torug, denn passt se em gliks op.
– Hurrrah! Hurrah…
* 4 *
Denn goht wi no St. Pauli rop, dor geiht dat lusting her.
Wenn se di seet, denn schreet se all: Du, Fitje, kumm mol her!
* 5 *
Un op de Groote Freiheit, wat is di dor en Larm,
Ear du di dat versehn deist, hest gliks ne Deern in’n Arm.
* 6 *
Un wenn de Huer verjuchheit is, denn weet ik wat ik do,
Ji kont mi alltosom mol fix, ik go no See hento.