Interesting Facts about the Haul The Seafarers
“Seafarers” is the capstan shanty that comes from “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935) (1st ed p 367 – 368). Stan Hugill mentioned this song on the occasion of the description of shanties family incorporating girls’ names. The first section of this family, represented by “Away, Susanna” or ” Can’t Ye Dance the Polka” is a popular shanty on both American and British ships. Sternvall comments on this song as: “The most popular sailor song of the turn of the century. A capstan shanty”. Stan Hugill gives us only one stanza of this song so I will use the full nine stanzas song from Sternvall’s book.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the capstan shanty.
The source of the Haul The Seafarers
The music: “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935) (1st ed p 367 – 368).
The lyrics: “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935 (1st ed p 367 – 368).
Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 369).
The Record of this sea shanty
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation

The full lyrics
Shanghaied in San Francisco,
we fetched up in Bombay.
They set us afloat in an old Leith-boat,
that steered like a stack of hay.
* 2 *
We have sweltered in the tropics,
when the pitch boiled up on deck,
and we saved our hides, with little besides,
form so ice-cold Northsea wreck.
* 3 *
We know the tracks to Auckland,
and the lights on Sidney Head.
We kept close-hauled, while the leadsman called,
the depths of the channels bed.
* 4 *
We know the quais of Glasgow,
and the loom of the lone azores,
we have found our grub in a salt horse tub,
condemned from Navy stores.
* 5 *
We know the streets of Santos,
and the river at Saigon.
we work have drunk our glass with a Chinese lass
in a houseboat at Canton.
* 6 *
They pay us off in london,
and it’s off for a spell ashore.
And again we ship on a southern trip
in a week or hardly more.
* 7 *
It’s good-bye, sally and sue,
for it’s time to go afloat.
With an aching head and a straw-stuffed bed,
a knife and a oilskin coat.
* 8 *
Sing “Time to leave her, Johnny”,
Sing “Bound for Rio Grand!”
When the tug turns back, we follow her track
for a last long look at land.
* 9 *
Then at last that disappears,
and only the blue is seen,
That will send our bones to “Davy Jones”
and our souls to “Fiddlers Green”.