Here list of this shanties family
Interesting Facts about this shanties family
The Lowlands Low – Shanties Family of songs also known as “Lowlands”, “The Lowland Sea”, “The Golden Vanitee”, or “The Lowlands Low”. The song seems to have been based on a ballad of the seventeenth century. The title of those XVII-th century song entitled “Sir Walter Raleigh Sailing in the Lowlands”. These two versions are sung at the capstan.
The capstan was a vertical drum or barrel, with horizontal spars (called capstan bars) which have been pushed by sailors. So the twisted rope on the barrel was pulled by the force of the capstan, and this way they can walk around the capstan and heave the line or chain.
Short story of The Lowlands Low – Shanties Family
The lilt of the word ‘Lowlands’ seemed to have a fascination for the shantyman and sailor in general. A very ancient song of the sea sings of the Lowlands of Holland, those of Scottland, and even the Lowlands of Virginia were all woven into the songs of the shantyman. Stan Hugill mentioned that Capitan Davis (“Sailors’ Songs and Shanties” – 1887) gives it as a shanty, but Stan Hugill and many of his shipmates have sung this old song at both capstan and pumps.
My private collection of books
Shantyman library – you will see descriptions and recommendations of positions worth diving into, true sources of knowledge about sea shanties. To gain knowledge about sea shanties is the main ultimate purpose of this library, every book in this library is somehow related to sea shanties and before mast songs.
More involvement in Traditional Sea Shanties
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