Interesting Facts about the Magelhan
Magelhan is the german version of the most famous homeward-bound ever “Rolling Home”, a capstan shanty. Version comes from the book “Knurrhahn – Seemannslieder und Shanties” Richard Baltzer; Klaus Prigge; Knurrhahn-Lotsen-Gesangverein (1936). The title of the song from the Knurrhahn is Magelhan, which is really the title of an older song from which the German words of the shanty were taken. Capstan shanty which is in german “gangspill” shanty.
The song will be reconstructed by myself as the capstan shanty.
The source of this sea shanty
The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 188).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 188, 189).
The Record of the Magelhan
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation

The full lyrics
Dor fohr von Hamburg mol so’n ohlen Kassen,
mit Namen heet he Magelhan,
dor weer bi Dag Leen Tid tom Brassen,
dat leet man all bit Obends stohn.
– Rol-ling home, rolling home
– Rolling home across the sea,
– Rol-ling home to dear old Hamborg,
– Rolling home for ten and three.
* 2 *
Bi Dag dor kunn dat weihn un blasen,
Dor wor noch lang keen Hand anglegt,
Doch So an’n bend eben no veer Glasen,
Denn wor de ganze Plunnkrom streckt.
* 3 *
Dat weer so recht den Ohln sien Freeten,
Dat gung em over Danz un Ball,
Har Janmaat sik grad de Pip ansteeken,
Denn rop de Ohl: Pull de Grotmarsfall.
* 4 *
Dat kunn de Kerl verdeubelt ropen,
Dat weer em just so na den Strich,
Man schral de Wind denn noch 6 Streeken,
Wat weer de Kerl denn gnatterich.
* 5 *
Un unsen heil’gen, stillen Freedag,
Wat doch uns hochste Festdag is,
Un unsen heil’gen Bus- un Betdag,
Dor segt de Ohl: dat givt dat nich.
* 6 *
Man so recht bi Licht bekeeken,
Dor weer uns Ohl noch lang nicht slecht,
Har Smutje mol een Swein avsteeken,
Trangscheer he sulben dat torecht.
* 7 *
De lud de kreeg’n so recht dat Lopen,
Se freiten sik, ick weet nich wie,
Se kreegen von dat Swein de Poten,
Un geele Arfensupp’ dorbi.
* 8 *
O magelhan, du holder Kasten,
Dit Leed sall di een Denkmal sien.
Bi Snee un Reg’n wascht Janmaat de Masten,
Un achtern supt se unsen Kom.