Mochyn Du

Interesting Facts about the Mochyn Du

Mochyn Du was probably the most popular capstan shanties among Welsh crews, on the ships hailing in the main from Liverpool. This song is a folk song under another name “The Black Pig”. Stan Hugill obtained these lyrics from H. B. Jones. Stan Hugill also states that were many versions of this song but not all of them were sung at sea.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 238).

The lyrics:  “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 238).

The Record of the Mochyn Du

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

Mochyn Du - Capstan Shanty (Welsh)

The musical notation

Mochyn Du - notation

The full lyrics

Mochyn Du

Redodd Dico i Lluyncelyn,
Mofyn Mati at y mochyn,
D’wedodd Matti, O mar arw,
M0chyn-du syd bron a marw,

– O mor drwm yr ydym ni,
– O mor drwm yr ydym ni,
– Y mae yma alar calon,
– Ar ol claddew m0chyn; du!

* 2 *

Melws iawn yw cael rhew seliscen,
O gig mochyn gyda thatan,
Ond y awr rhaid gwnaid heb hwnw,
M0chyn-du syd wedi marw.

– O mor drwm yr ydym ni,
– O mor drwm yr ydym ni,
– Y mae yma alar calon,
– Ar ol claddew m0chyn
; du!

Related to this sea shanty

Blow Ye Winds (B)

Horraw For The Blackball Line (solo variations)

Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah!