Interesting Facts about the Oh Blow Ye Winds I Like To Hear You
Stan Hugill on page 230 of the “Shanties From The Seven Seas”, mentioned he discovered this version by searching foreign sources. The mentioned book by Stan Hugill is the “Sang Under Segel” of the Sigurd Sternvall. The mentioned song we can find on page 370 of the mentioned source (fortunately this book is a part of my collection of the shanty books). The comments from Sternvall’s book say:
…”The text by sailmaker Gustaf Wiman, Boston, 1909.
“Bully “s have the same as mischievous. In English college slang, it also has this meaning. “Belaying pin’s soup” is in Swedish translation nothing more than a good cooking beat.”…
The source of this sea shanty
The music: “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935).
The lyrics: “Sang Under Segel” by Sigurd Sternvall (1935). This reconstruction will contain full text and music notation from Sigurd Sternvall’s book, and also the title is changed from the original.
Mentioned in: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 230).
The Record of the Oh Blow Ye Winds I Like To Hear You
You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.
The musical notation

The full lyrics
Oh Blow Ye Winds I Like To Hear You
Oh, blow ye winds, I like to hear you,
– BL0W boys BL0W!
Blow today and blow tomorrow!
– BL0W boys! Bully, bully, BLOW, boys, blow!
* 2 *
A Yankee ship came down the river.
Her mast and spars they shine like silver.
* 3 *
How do you know she is a Yankee clipper?
By the stars and stripes she flies behind her.
* 4 *
And who do you think is the master of her?
One-eyed Kelly, the Bowery runner.
* 5 *
And what do you think they will have for dinner?
Belaying pin’s soup and monkeys liver.