“Sailors’ Shanties And Sea-Songs” – Chambers Journal, Saturday, December 11, 1869
I must admit that this is one of the most valuable items in my collection of books. There are many reasons why I think so. The first is the date when this wonderful article was published. It was published before the first great collection of shanties by Alexandrine Smith, “The Music of The Waters” (1888). Thus 19 years earlier, it was also a time, when the shanties were truly in the golden age. The second reason is that, even though the content is relatively small, the enormity of the content is overwhelming me. It is important in terms of description of the types of shanties and confirm their usefulness, I highly recommend this article. (For those interested, I will be happy to send you pictures of the entire article).
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Related to The Chamber Journal (1869)
Simon Spalding – Food At Sea (2014)