John Browns Body

Interesting Facts about the John Browns Body

“John Browns Body” turned by sailors into capstan shanty. Originally shore song came from the American Civil War. Song was also sung on German ships.
I will reconstruct this song as the capstan shanty.

The source of this sea shanty

The music: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 442).
The lyrics: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1st ed p 442, 443).

The Record of the John Browns Body

You also can find this record on my YouTube channel here or directly listen below. Additionally, if you want to share your opinion about the record or share your opinion you can do it in my Facebook forum here, or leave a comment at the bottom of this blog article.

John Browns Body - Capstan Shanty

The musical notation

John Browns Body - music notation

The full lyrics

John Browns Body

John Brown wuz skipper of a Yankee clipper ship.
John Brown wuz skipper of a Yankee clipper ship.
John Brown wuz skipper of a Yankee clipper ship.
– As we go rollin’ home!

– Glory, glory, allelujah!
– Glory, glory, allelujah!
– Glory, glory, allelujah!
– As we go rollin’ home!

* 2 *

John Brown’s daughter is a maiden, so I’m told,
Her finger’s decked with diamonds and her toes in decked with gold,
John Brown’s daughter is a maiden, so I’m told.

* 3 *

John Brown’s daughter got a bunion on her toes,
John Brown’s daughter got a wart upon her nose,
John Brown’s daughter got a bunion on her toes.

* 4 *

John Brown’s daughter is a Yankee-doodle-do,
Her bows is fat, her stern is fat an’ so’s her ankles too,
John Brown’s daughter is a Yankee-doodle-do.

* 5 *

John Brown’s daughter chews terbaccy by the pound,
She’s the roughest, toughest son-o’-a-bitch that ye have ever found,
John Brown’s daughter chews terbaccy by the pound.

* 6 *

There’s my gal with a blue dress on,
Her catheads they would take an anchor weighin’ twenty ton,
There’s my gal with the blue dress on

* 7 *

John Brown’s daughter sat upon a grassy plot,
John Brown’s daughter likes her dinner served up hot,
John Brown’s daughter sat upon a grassy plot.

* 8 *

John Brown’s daughter drinks her whisky neat an’ straight,
John Brown’s daughter’s got a bowline round the mate,
John Brown’s daughter drinks her whisky neat an’ straight.

Related to this sea shanty

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Whoop Jamboree (Terry)

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